
Guess The Color - Logo Games Full Hack App Verified Site

Guess the Color - Logo Games hack


Rating: 20644 reviews. abstract: Not another logo quiz...its a Color Guessing Game!. size: 42,91 mB. Version: 1.4.3. Critique: This game is fun, but if u get a question wrong, u have to wait for 1 minute for the next question. Then if u keep getting questions wrong, they bump it up to 15 minutes!!! So I'm just waiting there, waiting for the timer to stop! But I can't! Because the game is just there counting minutes! It takes so long!!!! Why do u guys bump up the minutes?!?! It's annoying!!!!! But anyways, it's kinda fun. Just the timer is really really annoying!!!!!!!! Who bumps up a timer from 30 seconds, 1 minute, then 15 minutes?!?!!?😤😤😤😤😤 Also, when I watch a video to get a hint, I will watch the video, and then the game won't give me it!!!!! It's annoying!!!😤😤😤. Languages: English. Author: Potato Powered Games Ltd.

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